Comments on: Hats Off to Paige Parker & Jim Rogers – Travel Travel Blog from India Thu, 24 Nov 2022 07:17:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anuradha Goyal Mon, 07 Dec 2015 12:52:15 +0000 In reply to Jim Rogers.

Hey Jim, So good to hear from you and connect with you. You are an absolute inspiration. My email is, would drop you a mail soon.

By: Jim Rogers Mon, 07 Dec 2015 11:54:06 +0000 Thanks! I hope you do it and out paths cross some day. I also rode around the world once on a motorcycle and wrote a book called INVESTMENT BIKER. That trip got me into the Guinness Book of records too. What is your email? I am at

By: Anuradha Sun, 09 Apr 2006 03:56:00 +0000 I agree you need money for these kind of travels, but I am sure if you really want to do it, you can manage it in much less money as well and there are other ways to travel. Time I guess, all of us have the same amount of time, I am sure they also planned and managed 3 years of their lives. If I have an equally stron inclination, I am sure I will also manage time for it.

Good to read about Guevara…keep sharing such stories.


By: Santosh S Kumar Tue, 04 Apr 2006 19:26:00 +0000 great, they had time and money.. I mean you need both to do something like that..

Do you know about Guevara? he went on such a trip.. it changed him so much that he took an extra step to change things around him… here a
>post about him
