Comments on: Health – Only thing you need to Travel Well Travel Blog from India Mon, 18 Nov 2019 06:18:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ravneet Kaur Mon, 18 Nov 2019 06:18:02 +0000 Thanks for sharing a valuable information. As we all know there are so many peoples that don’t feel well during traveling. Tips shared by you will be helpful for the peoples that are traveling around the country.
Thanks again for the useful article.
Ravnit kaur

By: Prabu Natraj Sat, 23 Mar 2019 09:42:37 +0000 Health very much needs. This is good information for traveler, I always felt fresh when I explore new places. This is the best medicine for the human body. We must need good health for our happy take of our health is very much important. Thank you for your Post

By: Anuradha Goyal Thu, 27 Dec 2018 14:18:49 +0000 In reply to shruthi hegde.

Right Shruthi – Health is invisible until we begin losing it.

By: shruthi hegde Wed, 26 Dec 2018 16:30:32 +0000 Such a valuable information. Though we all experience this during our travel time we tend to take it for granted and never really care. Your write-up definitely guides us to choose more consciously.

By: Melissa Mon, 10 Dec 2018 08:27:02 +0000 Well said, thank you

By: Semon Sehal Thu, 20 Sep 2018 09:28:44 +0000 You are right with this concept. Our health is real wealth for us if we are fine with our health we feel hassle-free with every trip. We can go anywhere as we wish but if we have some problem with our body indeed its make the big issue for us. So we have to forget about many places because we can’t go there because of the various diseases. So we really have to care about our health for enjoying the travel.
Even a person who is very weak by heart they also can’t travel long and hill areas trip, it makes the hassle for him/her. Because stamina should be required for covering those hill areas.
Thanks, Anuradha, For this advisable article.

By: Anuradha Goyal Sat, 25 Aug 2018 12:46:55 +0000 In reply to Razena.

Travel introduces you to the parts and aspects of you that you yourself do not know. Always an eye-opener.

By: Razena Sat, 25 Aug 2018 12:38:04 +0000 You are so right. i have rheumatoid arthritis and it has definitely impacted my choice of travel destinations as well as what I decide to see and do on my trips because I have difficulty with steps and walking long distances. That being said I have also learnt that I have much more stamina than I thought I had 🙂

By: Anuradha Goyal Wed, 01 Aug 2018 05:06:20 +0000 In reply to Neha.

Thanks, Neha.

By: Anuradha Goyal Wed, 01 Aug 2018 05:05:01 +0000 In reply to Anonymous.

I am a vegetarian and a teetotaller, if I make sure I eat some fruits every day, I guess most diets work for me. While traveling the diet plans always go for a toss.
