Comments on: Heritage At Liptov Village In Pribylina, Slovakia Travel Blog from India Fri, 04 Nov 2022 17:16:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anuradha Goyal Fri, 01 May 2015 13:22:50 +0000 In reply to Gaurav Bhatnagar.

Villages are where a bit of authenticity can still be found. Will try and update the information you need. I stayed a little away from this village, for conversations had to depend on the local guide due to language barrier and being a vegetarian my options were limited to salads and fruits primarily with some bread & butter.

By: Gaurav Bhatnagar Fri, 01 May 2015 12:37:00 +0000 Hey Anuradha. Lovely place. You know how much I love travelling in villages. As a reader, I would also like to know about options to stay, local food and any conversations you had with local people. 🙂 Eastern Europe is my dream destination.
