Comments on: Perspectives – Do We Have Different Thoughts Travel Blog from India Thu, 18 Jan 2018 15:52:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: whats in a name Fri, 11 Jan 2008 11:40:00 +0000 I live in between the tow worlds.. The private naukari.. and The sarkari babus.. U have written an excellent account of dreams and description.. 95 out of 100. Not full marx coz there is a glitch of bias on certain occasions.

By: rustedrim Fri, 29 Apr 2005 09:55:00 +0000 Anu, this is a very well-written account. That experiences shape us, our perspectives and prejudices, the way we live and interpret life reminds me of this – “Between stimulus and response, we have the power to choose” – quote I read somewhere. As much as situations shape us, our response to them does more so. Every being forms opinions, constructs beliefs, and crystallizes their own convictions. These are the essential devices with which we negotaiate our lives. Its interesting to study the interplay of our devices with that of others in this world… there is conflict and aggression, destruction and oppression, death and loss of meaning. The way forward, then, one might find is this line of thought on Change – “Change cannot be brought about by fast, intelligent moves or by smart people, but by long conversations followed by longer silence between different people who need to learn different things”.

So as much as we are convinced about our convictions, our points of view, it is our ability to view and examine those of others as holding equal value, deserving respect and sincerely considering them with a certain discernment of the person(s) harbouring them, which, helps us influence Change. Of course, this is reflected in attitudes and characteristics we ascribe such as ‘broad-minded’, ‘open-mind/heart’ etc in our day-to-day life.

Your excellent piece is quite a stimulation…

By: rustedrim Fri, 29 Apr 2005 06:18:00 +0000 Anu, this is a very well-written account. That experiences shape us, our perspectives and prejudices, the way we live and interpret life reminds me of this – “Between stimulus and response, we have the power to choose” – quote I read somewhere. As much as situations shape us, our response to them does more so. Every being forms opinions, constructs beliefs, and crystallizes their own convictions. These are the essential devices with which we negotaiate our lives. Its interesting to study the interplay of our devices with that of others in this world… there is conflict and aggression, destruction and oppression, death and loss of meaning. The way forward, then, one might find is this line of thought on Change – “Change cannot be brought about by fast, intelligent moves or by smart people, but by long conversations followed by longer silence between different people who need to learn different things”.

So as much as we are convinced about our convictions, our points of view, it is our ability to view and examine those of others as holding equal value, deserving respect and sincerely considering them with a certain discernment of the person(s) harbouring them, which, helps us influence Change. Of course, this is reflected in attitudes and characteristics we ascribe such as ‘broad-minded’, ‘open-mind/heart’ etc in our day-to-day life.

Your excellent piece is quite a stimulation…thank you.

By: Hemal Fri, 24 Dec 2004 09:46:00 +0000 you are so correct Anu. you never know where one road leads to until you walk on it. life can change almost instantly. and your thoughts, ideas and comments depend on the way you have lived. life is a very good teacher and time is a very good healer.
