Comments on: Tea Gardens Of Assam – Places To Visit In Assam Travel Blog from India Tue, 25 Jul 2023 16:55:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mir Hassan Tue, 02 May 2023 03:33:17 +0000 It’s a bewitching place. It’s worth a visit. You can spend hours in the lap of breathtaking natural beauty.

By: Suraj Baruah Sun, 15 Nov 2020 05:39:43 +0000 Darjeeling tea offers something, how can we express that something ??

By: Bishal Wed, 27 Nov 2019 16:28:31 +0000 Thanks for these details.

By: Anuradha Goyal Mon, 07 Sep 2015 09:33:58 +0000 In reply to Manish Bhartia.

Thanks Manish. What is your tea brand called and where all is it available in India? Is it available online?

By: Manish Bhartia Mon, 07 Sep 2015 09:25:12 +0000 Interesting story about Tea garden in Assam. We produce hand crafted whole leaf organic Green Tea in Assam and found the story really amusing.

By: Subhorup Dasgupta Wed, 14 Nov 2012 20:58:59 +0000 Thanks for sharing this post, Anuradha. Thought I would bring to your notice that the cultivar of tea grown in Assam and the one grown in Darjeeling are two distinct varieties. Tea was originally found only in China, hence the name Camelia Sinensis (sinensis – of China), and for a long time, it was believed that it can neither be found anywhere else, nor grown anywhere else. This was in spite of the British trying desperately to “spy” and “smuggle” out the tea plant. Tea became a luxury item and a Chinese monopoly and a closely guarded secret. The symbolic Boston tea party actually was quite expensive.In 1823, the British colonialists discovered another (the second and only other) variant of tea growing in the hills of Assam, and that is how the story of Assam tea began. This cultivar is called Camelia Sinensis var. Assamica. This is the largest producing region of tea in the world, and contributes to what is commonly called the Breakfast teas, strong bodied, malty and rich in color.The story of Darjeeling tea is a different one. The Chinese had been guarding its tea trees and seeds and processing methods, and the British had been struggling to get the smuggled seeds to grow anywhere because of soil and climate.In 1841, Archibald Campbell, managed to make them grow in the hills of Darjeeling. Over the next decades, they found something amazing. The altitude (Darjeeling is higher than many mountainous tea growing regions of China), the soil and the precipitation resulted in a grade of tea that was distinct from Chinese tea. Forgive me for ranting, but tea is a complex plant. Its taste is determined by the land and the water and the air, and the way it is processed. Chinese teas are unique in their taste, and Assam teas are standard offerings, but Darjeeling teas offer something that no other region offers. What triggered this comment was a sentence in your post to the effect of “Tea is grown in Eastern Assam and areas around Darjeeling.” I felt this clubbing of the two regions needed some response. Some response, yes?

By: matheikal Wed, 14 Nov 2012 09:50:32 +0000 Lovely pictures. Assam creates a sense of nostalgia in me. I belonged to the Northeast once upon a time.

By: Ruvi Kinigama Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:24:36 +0000 Hi Anuradha, I love traveling around India and your narration of your experiences are great. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the details. Cheers

By: Julia Dutta Tue, 22 Nov 2011 00:46:50 +0000 Beautiful Anuradha. These posts of yours on the northeast are just fabulous, as lovely as the northeast is itself…

