Comments on: Meeting Munna – Rock Star Tiger At Kanha National Park Travel Blog from India Mon, 01 May 2023 15:13:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anuradha Goyal Thu, 01 Mar 2018 16:35:45 +0000 In reply to Samir Rasam.

I know Munna does not have too many years now. Go and meet him when you can.

By: Samir Rasam Thu, 01 Mar 2018 16:23:39 +0000 Just back from Kanha and the experience was great. This was my second trip to Kanha. Saw a couple of tigresses but no males. Was keen to see Munna or Link 7 (chota Munna) or Umarpani male. Heard these three are quite big tigers. Am not sure about seeing Munna in my next trip as I. understand Munna already is 15 years plus. Maybe if I am lucky.

By: Anuradha Goyal Sun, 13 Nov 2016 04:39:31 +0000 In reply to Dr Ipsit Brahmachari.

Ipsit, my best memory of Kanha is its tall termite hills. They look so fragile but are some of the strongest things in the jungle.

By: Dr Ipsit Brahmachari Sun, 13 Nov 2016 04:16:08 +0000 absolutely right Anuradha. We thoroughly enjoyed every grain of sand and every breath of Kanha. Be it flora or avians or insects or mammals or reptiles and so on.

By: Anuradha Goyal Sun, 13 Nov 2016 02:12:23 +0000 In reply to Dr Ipsit Brahmachari.

So glad, Dr. Brahmachari that enjoyed reading about Munna and you met the real Munna. I did a few safaris in Kanha. Please do read my other post on Kanha where I talk about every other animal & bird I met other than tigers. I want people to understand and appreciate that there is so much more to a jungle than just the big cats.

By: Dr Ipsit Brahmachari Sat, 12 Nov 2016 18:26:27 +0000 Dear Anuradha, we had been to Kanha this (2016) October end and we had a chance to see one Tigress in Kisli during our safari to Sarahi zone. Though we could not see Munna the Rock star, but we had a great chance to enjoy a thrilling three and a half hours of Jungle Walk Trail with none other than Munna the Forest Guard, after whom Munna the Tiger is named after. it was thrilling to hear exciting tales of Jungle from him.
Thank you for posting a lovely article on Munna.

By: Anuradha Goyal Sat, 21 May 2016 13:11:39 +0000 In reply to Debajyoti Mohanty.

Dear Debajyoti, Great to hear your memories of meeting Munna Tiger. I hope your daughter was happy to see his video.

By: Debajyoti Mohanty Sat, 21 May 2016 10:56:27 +0000 It was great pleasure and excited moment to see the famous Munna during my first Jungle safari at Kanha national park on 17th May, 2016. My daughter was also so excited to see him walking on the road like a king. Unforgetable and life time moment, which can not be imagined. However, should thanks for sharing such an wonderful article on Munna.

By: Anuradha Goyal Thu, 17 Mar 2016 02:52:09 +0000 In reply to Tigermay.

Elizabeth I was there in June 2015.

By: Tigermay Wed, 16 Mar 2016 19:15:13 +0000 In reply to Anuradha Goyal.

Ha I’d like to know when you went, iv just got back from a 3 day visit and no guide even mentioned that tiger!si was lucky enough like you, to see a few tigers, but mostly the bottom or a tail waging in the far distance she says dryly!
Like you, there were a sea of jeeps,at one point I counted30 jeeps, 20 instead waiting for tickets and10 outside clambering to get in! This was a Sunday I might add! How are you supposed to get a sighting with so nany jeeps trying to get in first,and always one with longer lines than yours! And edging in closer each time! Finally I saw him!he went out the jungle sat in the middle of the road in utter bordem on his face, as we all get up to take his photo, stillness breaktaking quietness as no one breaths or talks, then a stupid English voice yells for all to here to a friend, what took you so long! She then realised how loud her voice was! The tiger arched his head for a sevond or two, then to my delight got up, and started to walk toward the jeep I was in, bliss as I kept clicking away, my driver says sit down, as he tries to back out,! Not on your life! Closer closer I’m going!till finally the tiger meanders back into the jungle., much to my drivers relief!i wish I’d known about your I get, no one mentioned a word! In 3 days I was there sad
