IndiTales Instagram Handle is running a series on Temples Tales. So far 129 temple stories have been posted based on our founder Anuradha Goyal’s personal travels and she will keep adding temple stories from her travels.
We wish to create a visual database of temples from around the world. This would include temples big and small, temples well known and not so well known outside their regions, temples with stories from our scriptures, from our history and temples old and new. A lot of our Twitter friends said they would like to contribute to this series.
We invite you to contribute your temple tales to this unique database.
Guidelines for IndiTales Instagram Posts Submission
Submit 1-10 images of the temple you have personally visited. All the images should be of the same dimensions. One image is as good as multiple images.
All images you submit must be your own, or you should own the copyright to them. It is not possible for us to independently verify the copyright. Any violation will be solely your responsibility.
Please provide 150-500 words story on the temple covering its legends, deity, history, and architecture. You can add your personal experience of visiting the temple.
Please do provide data on – Presiding Deity, Built by, and Period along with location of the temple.
Mention your Instagram Handle and Full Name for Credit. In case you are not on Instagram, you can mention any of your social media handles or website.
By submitting this story, you are authorizing us to publish your images and story on our Instagram handle permanently. It may be reshared on our other social media handles.
There is no compensation of any kind that we can provide for this. Due credits will be mentioned along with your name or Instagram Handle.
Please send your images and all the other details mentioned above to
The subject should clearly say – IndiTales Instagram Post Submission.
Do-Follow IndiTales Instagram Handle
Criteria for Images
Please see that the temple is not already there on the Instagram handle of IndiTales.
Already published temples will not be repeated unless you provide a ritual or a special detail that is not already published.
If we receive multiple entries for the same Temple, we will try to follow the ‘First received’ policy as far as possible.
Final discretion to publish the images or not stays with us. Do allow us sufficient to post images.