Rural Tourism Companies In India – Travel Economy


Rural Tourism

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Years back, I experimented with Rural Tourism. And years later I got to be on it again as part of a Government initiative. So I thought of creating a list of such organizations in India.

Rural Tourism Organizations, India

Here is a list of organizations across the regions of India.

North India

  • Himalayan Village, Sonapani, Uttarakhand 
  • Ecosphere, Spiti, Himachal Pradesh
  • India Untravelled, Kerala, Rajasthan, Punjab  
  • Travel Another India, Ladakh, MP, Gujarat
  • Tendrel Travel, Leh, Ladakh
  • The Folk Tales – Bundi in Rajasthan, West Sikkim & Spiti in Himachal

East / North East India

  • Abor Country Travels, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, North East India
  • The Greener Pastures – North East India

West India

South India

  • Dirty feet, Hyderabad
  • Muddy Boots – Kerala, Karnataka
  • Navadarshanam, Bangalore. Not really tourism but an eco-living project involving local communities

Taste of Rural India

These companies, aim to give you a taste of rural India in a responsible way. They show you around typically the places where you will not find regular tourism infrastructures. Like the hotels and taxi services. These companies will help you stay in their identified homestays. They let you live with the locals just the way they live. You will get curated local experiences including small treks or adventure activities. Such companies contribute to the rural economy by generating livelihoods for the locals through tourism. In a way, they create a channel that connects the rural economy to the tourism economy. While creating new experiences for experiential travelers connecting the dots.

So, at IndiTales, we want to lend them support by writing about them.


I have personally not traveled with any of these companies. But have collected this information based on secondary research. And or based on my interactions with some of the people who run these companies.

Do you know any such company/organization not listed here?

Have you traveled with anyone not listed here?

Please let us know & help us make this a comprehensive list of such tourism companies in India.

Read more:


  1. Hi,

    I am Amit Upreti from Nainital, Uttrakhand. We run homestay and organize various activities like agriculture tours, bee keeping, village walk, nature walk, etc. We have 100 acres estate surrounded by pine and oak trees and it between there is 19th century colonial designed house. We do have farms and we grow organic vegetable and flowers.
    With Regards,
    Amit Upreti

  2. HI I am jitendra Singh frome chamba tehri Garhwal uttarakhand.
    I completed 1 room for home’s pure mud house and very good oak forester.
    I have fellow land 2 h.

    Thanks with Regards
    Jitendra Singh
    High mountain adventure home stay

  3. Hello Anuradha
    Your piece had been very informative. I am research scholar, planning to work in the rural tourism sector. Would be delighted to get in touch with you for more ideas and inspiration, and I hope to give back to the community via publications etc.

    Thank you

  4. Hello Anuradha,
    I want to start a rural tourism in my village in Hassan District, Karnataka. Is there any help I can get from the Govt? The village has a rich cultural history, and is on the banks of the river Cauvery. There are also neighbouring villages which are equally beautiful and rustic.


  5. हेलो दोस्तो
    मैं मदन राणा उत्तराखंड का रहने वाला हूं मैं साहसिक,प्राकृतिक , पर्यटन का काफी वर्षों तक काम किया अब मैं सोच रहा हूं कि इस क्षेत्र में ग्रामीण पर्यटन को बढ़ावा दिया जाए यहां पर विश्व प्रसिद्ध चिपको आंदोलन दात्री श्रीमती गौरा देवी जिस जंगल में चिपको आंदोलन की शुरुआत किया वहां पर पर्यटकों को आस-पास के गांव में ठहरा कर उस क्षेत्र का परिचय उनसे करवाया जाए साथ ही यहां से 61 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर भारत का अंतिम गांव नीति गांव है जो कि बहुत ही सुंदर और देखने योग्य स्थान है इस चित्र में शेड्यूल ट्राइब के लोग अर्थात भूटिया जनजाति के लोग निवास करते हैं इन लोगों का खानपान रहन सहन अत्यंत ही यहां के प्रकृति से मेल खाता है जिससे यहां के लोग अपने आप को इस चित्र में प्रकृति के साथ सामान्य जीवन यापन करने है


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