Navratri, especially the Sharad Navratri that leads to the festival of Dussehra, usually falls in the month of October. Navratri is celebrated across India in its own unique ways. Some of them are popular like Dandiya Raas of Gujarat. And Durga Puja of Bengal. Other celebrations well-known across the region are like fasting in the Northern parts of the country. Celebrations like Golu in Tamil Nadu and Bathukamma festival in the Telangana region are still known only in the small regions where they are celebrated in.
Bathukamma Festival
As the state of Telangana takes shape, its festivals will also start getting prominence. Awareness about them is being created outside the districts. This year I witnessed this festival at Tank Bund in Hyderabad. Incidentally, it was coupled with a display of a strong Telangana identity. It was led by the daughter of a prominent Telangana leader.
It was a riot of celebration with many tribal dancers performing their traditional dance forms. Big and small mounds of flowers dominated the scene. Everything else happened around it. The biggest mound was on top of a tempo that towered over the crowds. The smallest ones were on steel plates. Most of the mounds were made with fresh flowers, with easily available marigolds dominating. But there were those made of paper flowers as well.
Women at the festival
Women are the shining stars of this festival. Dressed in their bright silk saris. And wearing all their fineries with fresh flowers in their hair, they carried the Bathukamma on their heads. They would keep her anywhere around another bunch of Bathukammas and join the circle of women dancing around it.
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The dance was simple, three claps and moving in a circle. Along with traditional songs that typically talk about the everyday situations women face at home. A friend explained a song that is sung by a woman when her brother visits her. She is seeking permission from everyone in her in-law’s family to visit her parents. They dance around and then leave the Bathukamma in a nearby waterbody.
Lambada women with their colorful dresses and heavy silver jewelry stood out. They were favorites of the photographers. Another dancer with exquisite makeup ran through the crowd. Stopping only to pose for pictures. And to hand over her card that told that she (or was it a He) was a dancer in Telugu. The only English line that I could read was Google Nookaji. Now is this not one innovative way to promote oneself?
Video of Bathukamma Festival at Hyderabad
I managed to capture a bit of the festival spirit in this video for you. Do watch to get a glimpse of the event:
I heard many different legends about the festival. Bathukamma literally means ‘Oh Mother, Live’. What is common across all legends is that the mother referred to here is Goddess Parvati who is the reigning deity of these nine nights.
Sati’s Immolation
The first legend goes back to Shiva-Sati’s marriage. When Sati married Shiva against the wishes of her father Daksha. Her father insulted Shiva by not inviting him to an important Yagna he was performing. And Sati not accepting the insult to her husband visits her father’s home in Kankhal in Haridwar. She immolates herself when she sees everyone but her husband is invited.
Read More – Shakti Temples in Haridwar
It is believed she remained in the fire for these 9 days. Women put flowers all around the fire to cool her and say Bathukamma. That is saying Oh Mother, please live on. Since then they put flowers on a mound to symbolize Gauri in the burning fire. And on the last day, they let her go into the water as the ordeal gets over.
Seeking Blessings of Shakti
Another legend is that Gauri is the daughter of mountains. Hence the mound represents the mountain. And she herself is put on top of the mound as a piece of dry turmeric. Singing and dancing around her are done to seek her blessings as Shakti.
Read More – Kali Temples in Kolkata
The scientific explanation for this festival says that since this comes post-monsoon, the flower petals in the water bodies clean the water and make it better for consumption. This is, of course, assuming that only natural flowers are used. And maybe there were specific flowers too meant to be used.
We met a group of youngsters wearing Red T-Shirts that said Telangana Radio. They were interviewing people on the spot with a branded mike in their hands. To me, they were the symbol of entrepreneurs waiting to capture the moment. Incidentally, I did not find any food stalls coming up for such a large gathering that was in the mood for festivity. I assume one would have liked some food.
For more details, see this video by Children of CAMP. Children As Media Producers, UNICEF, and UOH initiative.
As always, India never ceases to amaze me.
Incidentally this coincides with the Jagadhatri Puja of Bengal which is also related to Durga Puja. Wonder if there is a link.
There is still so much to see.
Interesting. It maybe a relic from the distant past when Mother Goddess was worshiped.
Looks like the festival was incredible. I love experiencing festivals in different cultures – you really get to see a nation at its best. Glad you had a good time.
looks so beautiful
Snehansu – We shall try and figure that out.
Puru – Possible that this may come from the ancient mother goddess cult.
@Anonymous, Nivedita – Thank you.
Looking at your posts, I feel like picking up my camera, choose a direction and start walking. There is so much to see, so much to capture. What the heck am I doing sitting at home. Lovely captures Anuradha!
Anuradha its wonderful feeling to see someone bringing forth Bathukamma festive celebration… I feel like taking a flight, visit my city, and join the celebrations. Thanks a lot for capturing such colorful moments! God bless you and best wishes.
bathukamma festival comes in a year once.Bathukamma means “mother goddess comeback alive”
Beautifully captured Anuradha, I request that traditions should not be called cults. It’s people’s way of offering their prayers. It’s insulting to our lovely religion.
Madhav ji – our religion is not so small that it can be insulted at the limitation of a foreign language.
this is amazing
ma’am this is an very nice topic and I have learned that in the festival women are the stars and women dance around the BATHUKAAMA hills the make with flowers and leaves like marigolds thank you ma’am