10 Best Books On The Himalayas – You Must Read
‘‘You have to be very strong to live close to a God or a mountain,’’ wrote Rumer Godden, “or you’ll turn a little mad”....
Top 20 Bollywood Songs On Trains – You Must See
Bollywood Films are a reflection of the times they are made in. Journeys are an integral part of the stories our Bollywood Films tell....
10 Best Professions To Travel Around The World
Every day I get a few emails asking me to help people with starting a travel blog. Are they really interested in making a...
Indian Handicraft Landscape – A Journey Through Art & Craft
If the Indian map were depicted by its handicraft clusters, it would be a vibrant diamond, housing pockets of handicrafts along its length and...
12 Most Beautiful Lakes Of India – Tourist Attractions
Lakes - sometimes natural and sometimes manmade, but always a joy to visit, to walk around. They nurture life with their capacity to store water and they nurture souls with the beauty they add to the landscapes.
5 Historical Places That Celebrate Love In India
This is that time of the year when love is in the air. So I thought of writing about a few legendary places that...
Top 22 Indian Summer Drinks – Helping You Stay Cool
Summer is something that I dreaded the most when I was shifting back from Bangalore to Gurgaon. But at the same time, I was...