Memories Of A Lone Visit To New York, USA

Statue of Liberty - My visit to New York
Statue of Liberty – My visit to New York

I got just one day for my visit to New York. But that was good enough to feel the energy of this most coveted city in the world. Cliché is that if you stand on the streets of New York long enough, you will get to see people from every nationality. I can assure you, you would not have to stand for too long. I remember it as a vibrant place with everyone moving at a great speed.

Table of Contents

Visiting New York – Tourist Attractions

Skyline or Cityscape - My visit to New York
Skyline or Cityscape – My visit to New York

I did the usual tourist things during my visit to New York. Visited the Statue of Liberty Island, Ellis Island Museum. Went up the Empire Estate building, looked at ground Zero (I did go after 9/11). Roamed around the streets and took the subway train to reach my friend’s place. It turned out to be a hectic day. But when you travel solo you enjoy those hectic travels. When you have no time to think. You are just moving from one place to another – absorbing all that you can.

On Ferry to meet the Statue of Liberty
On Ferry to meet the Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty

On top of the list was, of course, the island that has the most famous icon of America – the green lady that stands in the middle of the ocean – Statue of Liberty. I remember taking a ferry to the island. As you go closer to the island the statue just keeps getting bigger. On the island, you have to almost stretch your neck to look at it. Looking back I think it was the ride to the island that I enjoyed the most. For it not only gives you the statue in perspective. It gives you the vantage point to admire the famous skyline of New York.

Display at Ellis Island Museum
Display at Ellis Island Museum

Ellis Island Museum, New York Trip

Ellis Island museum marks the site that served as the first port of entry into America. I remember the various presentations of faces that migrated to this land to make it their home. They would eventually make this a country worth envy for the rest of the world. An aspirational place for the next few generations. I particularly remember an installation that had the American flag that manifests into faces when seen from the other angle. I thought that was a very good representation of this migrant nation.

Art at Empire Estate State Building
Art at Empire Estate Building

Empire State Building

Next, I remember going up on the empire Estate State building. After admiring some bright wall art on the ground floor at the waiting area. I found myself on top of the tallest building in New York. It is an experience to be at such a height. Especially when there is a tall and dense city all around you. The city seems like the game of Tetris with tall blocks trying to fit into each other. The streets look like mere lines with moving atoms on them. The view of the city is so different from what you get from the ground that you cannot describe it in words. It almost feels like you are in the Lego factory except that the blocks are not as colorful.

At the Top

The wind at the top cuts through you and temperature drops a few degrees. Height scares and at the same time excites you. More than anything else what left me wondering about Empire estate building was that it was constructed in just about 400 days. A 102-story structure constructed in little over a year. And it is still standing strong after 85 odd years. I look at all the construction work going around me and wonder if these people should take some inspiration.

Top View from Empire Estate Building
Top View from Empire Estate Building


Taking a subway train at the Grand Central station was a new experience for me. Though I had traveled enough in London tubes by then. But was yet to experience our own Delhi Metro.

I am sure I did not even scratch the surface of what New York has to offer. But it was a short rendezvous that would remain in my memory for the longest time.

Recommend you read the following travel blog on my visit to the USA.

Anecdotes from Houston, Texas – Short Trip

A Game called Baseball – Houston, Texas

NASA Space Centre – Places to visit in Houston

San Antonio Texas


  1. your flying visit literally sweeps 1 off the feet.
    it is said,“work xpands 2 fill the time.“
    in yr. case sight c-ings compressed and accommodated 2 the optimise the utility of time and resources.
    kudos 4 squuezing in maximum in a day.

  2. Thanks for sharing your experience of New York. New York is the fastest growing city of the world. I enjoyed your post while reading.

  3. My Dear Anuradha, You (I do not know your age) collected, digested, posted and shared so many fantastic, memorable and heart touching findings of the world. For a Old Man like me (over 60- admired by many as informative personality), they are all new. My kudos and wish you continue posting such great admiring findings educating people around, including me. I await with all best wishes to you

  4. I really like your post on my hometown. It’s always great to see a traveler’s perspective. I’ve never been to a city with the same speed, pace and energy as NY.

  5. Really nice article and great pics!! Covered quite a lot in NYC.
    Next time you plan on visiting the Big Apple, do consider our travel options.

  6. What a beautiful reflection on your time in New York! Your post really captures the magic and energy of the city, from the iconic sights to the little moments that make it so special. I especially loved your personal memories of wandering through Central Park and exploring the hidden gems. It’s always inspiring to hear about someone’s unique perspective of NYC, and your writing has definitely made me want to revisit and experience the city in a new way. Thanks for sharing such a heartfelt glimpse into your trip!


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